Persona 5 Tactica Developers Describe How the New Art Style Was Found in the Game

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persona 5 tactica dialogue

Persona 5 Tactica marks a thrilling new chapter in the storied Persona series, introducing fans and newcomers alike to a fresh strategic role-playing game (RPG) experience.

As a spin-off from the critically acclaimed Persona 5, this game not only promises to deliver intense tactical gameplay but also showcases a distinctive art style that diverges notably from its predecessors.

This strategic RPG encapsulates the daring exploits of the Phantom Thieves but with a twist that caters to both strategy enthusiasts and art aficionados.

The transformation of the game’s aesthetics to a comic book-like style is not just a visual overhaul; it’s a strategic enhancement that aligns with the game’s thematic depth and strategic complexity.

This blog post delves into the intricate process of how “Persona 5 Tactica” found its new visual identity, exploring the developers’ artistic journey, the influences behind the unique style, and the impact these choices have on the overall gaming experience.

By weaving through the developmental insights and artistic nuances that shaped this game, we uncover how Atlus has once again pushed the boundaries of what a Persona game can be, both in gameplay and in visual storytelling.

Development Background

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persona 5 tactica elle

The inception of Persona 5 Tactica as the first strategy RPG in the Persona series stems from a blend of creative passion and fan feedback.

The genre shift was significantly influenced by producer Kazuhisa Wada’s deep appreciation for strategy RPGs. This strategic decision was further bolstered by the results of user surveys that explicitly asked fans what new directions they wished the Persona series would explore.

It was clear that there was a substantial appetite for a game that combined the rich, character-driven narrative of Persona with the cerebral challenge of tactical gameplay.

Atlus’s decision to branch out into the strategy RPG territory with “Persona 5 Tactica” also reflects a broader trend in the gaming industry, where genre blending has become a key driver of innovation.

Strategy RPGs demand a high level of strategic thinking from players, often requiring them to maneuver characters across grid-based maps to achieve specific objectives— a sharp pivot from the traditional turn-based combat of previous Persona games.

The developers’ commitment to this new genre is not just about diversifying gameplay but also about deepening the player’s engagement with the game’s characters and themes.

By situating the narrative in a period just before the graduation of the third-year students in the Phantom Thieves gang, “Persona 5 Tactica” adds layers of emotional depth and narrative intrigue, setting the stage for a truly unique strategic experience within the Persona universe.

Artistic Transformation

The journey to the unique comic book-like art style of Persona 5 Tactica was not straightforward. Initially, the Atlus team experimented with chibi-like designs reminiscent of the Persona Q series.

However, they quickly realized that these designs did not adequately capture the dynamic and flashy actions synonymous with the Phantom Thieves.

The chibi style, while endearing, struggled to convey the intensity and emotion of the game’s deeper narrative elements and high-stakes strategic gameplay.

Recognizing the need for a more fitting artistic approach, the art team embarked on a comprehensive redesign.

They significantly adjusted the characters’ proportions, emphasizing larger hands and feet to allow for more expressive movements and actions—a stylistic choice often seen in various forms of visual storytelling, especially in comic books.

This not only enhanced the visual impact of character animations but also allowed the game to retain the dramatic flair and kinetic energy that “Persona 5” fans have come to expect.

The resulting art style is a bold departure from the traditional aesthetics seen in earlier Persona games. It embraces a form of visual exaggeration that not only highlights the characters’ superhero-like qualities but also aligns perfectly with the exaggerated strategic elements of gameplay.

This shift is a testament to Atlus’s adaptive design philosophy, where the art style is not just a backdrop but an integral component of the game’s overall experience, influencing everything from player engagement to narrative delivery.

In addition, the art team’s ability to redefine the game’s visual identity without losing the essence of the Persona series showcases their commitment to innovation while respecting the franchise’s rich legacy.

The strategic use of a comic book-like style thus serves as both a visual hook and a narrative device, enhancing the storytelling by visually amplifying the thematic undercurrents of deception, mystery, and rebellion that run through the game.

Art Style Influences and Aesthetics

The distinctive art style of Persona 5 Tactica draws heavily from a variety of influential sources, blending Eastern and Western artistic traditions to create something truly unique.

The visual approach, characterized by its comic book-like deformities and vibrant color palette, echoes the aesthetics of Western animated series like Power Puff Girls and the anime stylings of Studio TRIGGER’s Panty and Stocking.

These influences are evident in the exaggerated character proportions and the dynamic, fluid animation styles that infuse the game with a lively, energetic feel.

Hanako Oribe, the game’s art director, played a pivotal role in steering the visual direction towards this hybrid style.

Oribe’s vision was to create a visual experience that would resonate with a global audience, bridging cultural divides with a universal language of animation that many fans of graphic novels and cartoons would find appealing.

This direction not only makes “Persona 5 Tactica” stand out aesthetically but also broadens its appeal beyond the traditional RPG fan base to include those who might be drawn to its artistic novelty.

Moreover, the choice to adopt a comic book-like art style is not merely aesthetic but thematic as well. The style complements the game’s storyline, which revolves around themes of rebellion, justice, and personal transformation—themes that are often explored in superhero comics.

This resonance between the art style and the game’score narratives enhances the immersive quality of the game, making the players feel like they are part of a living comic strip where every decision can lead to dramatic shifts in the storyline.

The art team’s effort to integrate 2D and 3D models seamlessly ensures that each scene transitions smoothly, maintaining the stylistic consistency while providing a depth that is often challenging to achieve in purely 2D games.

The result is a visually engaging experience that pushes the boundaries of traditional RPG aesthetics, setting a new benchmark for artistic innovation in video games.

Character Design and Themes

A standout aspect of Persona 5 Tactica is its character design, particularly with the introduction of a new character, Elle. Elle is not just another addition to the roster; she symbolizes the revolutionary spirit of the game.

Her design includes a spear made from a flag, which serves as both a weapon and a symbol of revolt, cleverly intertwining the game’s aesthetic with its narrative themes.

Hanako Oribe, the art director, has emphasized that this choice was deliberate to make Elle’s role and the overarching themes of revolution and change visually prominent and impactful.

Elle’s design and the overall thematic influence of the French Revolution on the game’s enemy and field designs are indicative of how deeply historical inspirations are woven into the game’s fabric.

These elements serve to enrich the narrative, offering players not only strategic gameplay but also a story that resonates with themes of upheaval and transformation.

The use of the French Revolution as a backdrop provides a rich tapestry against which the personal battles and growth of the characters are highlighted, making the game’s world both vibrant and compelling.

Furthermore, the design team’s attention to detail is evident in how these themes are reflected not only in the characters but also in the environments and enemy designs.

Each element within the game is crafted to reinforce the narrative and thematic depth, creating a cohesive world that engages players on multiple levels.

This holistic approach to design ensures that “Persona 5 Tactica” is more than just a game; it’s a narrative experience where every aspect, from character to setting, is meticulously integrated to enhance the story and gameplay.

This strategic intertwining of design and narrative not only enriches the player’s experience but also sets Persona 5 Tactica apart as a pioneer in how video games can use art and design to deepen engagement and enhance storytelling.

Game Release Information

Persona 5 Tactica is scheduled to make its anticipated debut on November 17th, launching across a broad spectrum of gaming platforms.

This strategic RPG will be available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S, ensuring that a wide audience can enjoy the game regardless of their preferred gaming system.

This multi-platform release strategy not only broadens the game’s accessibility but also underscores Atlus’s commitment to reaching a diverse fan base.

The release date positions Persona 5 Tactica perfectly for the holiday season, a strategic timing that is likely to maximize its visibility and sales potential.

By launching in late November, it taps into the period of heightened consumer activity and enthusiasm for new gaming experiences, which is crucial for a new title trying to establish itself in the competitive market.

Fans and new players alike are encouraged to mark their calendars and prepare for a gaming experience that combines deep strategic gameplay with a visually stunning comic book-like art style.

The anticipation around the game’s release is already building, with discussions and speculations buzzing in gaming communities and social media about how this new title will expand the Persona universe.


As we’ve explored, “Persona 5 Tactica” represents a bold new direction in both gameplay and artistic expression within the Persona series.

From its strategic RPG mechanics to its revolutionary art style, this game is poised to redefine what fans can expect from the franchise.

The developers at Atlus have not only embraced a new genre but have also innovatively blended cultural art influences to craft a game that feels both familiar and refreshingly new.

The careful consideration of fan feedback, the artistic courage of the development team, and the strategic release timing all suggest that Persona 5 Tactica will be a significant addition to the gaming landscape.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of the Persona series or a newcomer intrigued by its unique blend of art and strategy, “Persona 5 Tactica” promises to deliver an unforgettable experience.

We invite all gamers to experience the world of “Persona 5 Tactica,” where strategy meets art in a spectacular melding of gameplay and visual storytelling. Stay tuned and join the revolution this November.